The Ancient Tree Forum “Autumn Forum 2021”
The Ancient Tree Forum “Autumn Forum 2021” - an online seminar covering “Tree diseases in veteran trees.”
Not quite the same as getting out and about amongst ancient and veteran trees but there are certain ‘advantages’ to maintaining CPD through online seminars.
The availability of top notch international speakers and candidates without the cost, time and travel implications of international travel - and on a more personal level - fresh coffee, Marmite on toast, comfy chair and a warm fire 😂
Talk 1. An overview of tree diseases affecting Ancient and other Veteran Trees in the UK.
Dr Ana Perez-Sierra, Head of Tree Health Diagnostic and Advisory Service, Forest Research presents a general overview of the various tree diseases affecting Ancient and other Veteran trees in the UK:
Overview of current tree diseases reported through the Tree Health Diagnostic and Advisory Service
Diseases reported ancient and veteran trees
New pathogen threats on key tree species
Talk 2. The impact of ash dieback on veteran trees in Sweden.
Vikki Bengtsson, Chair ATF, has studied of the impact of ash dieback on veteran trees (including pollards) for over eleven years in southwest Sweden (2009 – 2020). The results will be presented including mortality rates, differences between the impact on veteran pollards and maiden ash trees as well as the impact of ash dieback in different growing conditions:
Fewer veteran ash trees have died from ash dieback than predicted
Management recommendations for veteran ash trees in general in relation to ash dieback
How to manage veteran ash pollards in relation to ash dieback
Talk 3. Xylella fastidiosa: an emerging threat?
Dr Claire Harkin, Technical & Trainer Officer, ATF
Xylella fastidiosa has been described by the European Commission as “…one of the most dangerous plant bacteria worldwide”
This short talk will provide a brief overview of symptoms, how the bacterium is transmitted, and its current distribution. We will also consider if Xylella fastidiosa presents an emerging threat to Britain’s ancient and veteran trees.