BioSecurity and Non Native Species
This is Non Native Species Week! ETGS has successfully completed the 'Introduction', 'Identification & Recording' and 'BioSecurity' modules of the training provided by The Non Native Species Secretariat.
Biosecurity is about reducing the risk of introducing or spreading invasive non-native species (and other harmful organisms such as diseases) in the wild. It is estimated that an average of £1.7billion per year in the UK is lost to the negative effects of non native invasive species.
The Non Native Species Secretariat has responsibility for helping to coordinate the approach to invasive non-native species in Great Britain. They are responsible to a Programme Board which represents the relevant governments and agencies of England, Scotland and Wales.The NNSS has produced a website in order to help those interested in finding out more about invasive non-native species and to facilitate those working on this subject in Great Britain. Use this site: ( to:
Keep up-to-date with news and events happening across GB
Find out about the problems caused by invasive non-native species
Find out what is happening in GB to help tackle these problems
Look up information about specific species, including where they are in GB
Learn how to identify the main problem species
Access our invasive non-native species risk assessments
Find out about invasive species projects taking place around GB
Visit the main webpage @